Monday, September 8, 2008

Website update schedule

I am so glad we now have a schedule in place for our new website and when it will be up and running. Micstura has generously placed a realistic schedule of deliverable in our hands for the stronger, faster, and more capable website! For example by the end of the 12 (this week)all of our content analysis will be done along with the registration process and the information architecture will begin.

We spent over 4 hours with our Web partners talking through the process from the end user POV. Over the next 13 weeks they will be completing stages that will bring us closer to our COMPA pilot with the city of...(sorry can't say it just yet).

Here are some of the exciting benchmarks we look forward to over the next 13 weeks:

Phase 1: Content and Information Architecture (IA)
Phase 2: IA final wire frames, etc..
Phase 3: Design Phase approval from us on the "new" look of the website...
Phase 4: Design phase continues..
Phase 5: Design phase final
Phase 6: Website testing and functionality testing
Phase 7: Public Launch and start of COMPA pilot...(with a city we can't disclose yet)

We are very excited about the options members will have, something I will discuss in other blogs. Until then all of our members who are part of the member program now will have their fees waived until the new site is up and running.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at

Q Fortune

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