Thursday, November 19, 2009

What Universal Health Care in America means for my small business?

Ok so the Senate has presented a bill that will cover 96% of Americans and cost us $800+ Billion dollars. Republicans are crying foul & Democrats are marching the streets in victory.

What does this all really mean for small businesses?

I am not sure I am not an expert on small businesses. I am an expert on my small business and universal health care means nothing to me. My company already pays 100% of the cost of health care. We have been for 2 yrs, we have been waiting for the rest of the country to catch up.

Universal health care to me as a CEO may mean lower premiums but that may take some time to reach me. It may mean better coverage and that may also take some time. But most importantly UHC means that new workers will be held to strict health guidelines that are a benefit to them vs being a burden.

Sick days take as much away from a small business as loosing a "large client" or "profitable customer." currently all our employees exercise a minimum of 2 days a week for a minimum of 2 hrs at a time. As CEO I am required to exercise 4-5 days a week and a minimum of 2.5 to 4hrs, I have to set the example.

If we(as a company) are going to pay 100% of your health care then we rather u not have to use it for something you can prevent. Accidents happen, that's why you have health coverage. Be productive enjoy life and "work to live" not the other way around.

So Senate people, hurry up and catch up to what we have been doing for 2 yrs. Oh and the rest of the world has been doing for a while already. Pass legislation that provides every American, not just the 96% of Americans, with health coverage. We small guys have already been doing it.

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

We are buried under a mountain of paperwork

After doing six months of research about carbon credits, cap & trade, and various other govt. plans in circulation. We have come to realize that we have to choose a route that best suites our companies goals and focus on that one plan. We built this company as a transportation offset program. Use carbon credits to fund the growth and daily operations. Provide the service to locals for free after gatherig some information about their driving habits, and tada!

Sadly that's not the case for us with the economy tanked and funding dried up. We are forced to look at the core of our business model and evaluate it.

Q. Will people use a service that's good for the environment?

People already use Mas transit in many different cities, some cities more than others. People already take the bus, but because they have to not because they want to.

Q. Do people care if the service is good for the environment?

An overwhelming number of people are speaking with their wallets when it comes to green initiatives. Buying locally grown food, services, and products to reduce their carbon foot print.

Q. Can we overcome the stigma associated with public transport?

We will have to see! Currently our project is privately funded but as it grows in scope I am sure some federal or public money will surface. This creates hurdles from people who will be quick to judge our intensions.

Bottom line: today as well as yesterday is a struggle for us to climb our way out of the mountain of paperwork we are buried under trying to get this service out of 2 years of beta testing and onto a full scale citywide test.

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