Thursday, November 19, 2009

What Universal Health Care in America means for my small business?

Ok so the Senate has presented a bill that will cover 96% of Americans and cost us $800+ Billion dollars. Republicans are crying foul & Democrats are marching the streets in victory.

What does this all really mean for small businesses?

I am not sure I am not an expert on small businesses. I am an expert on my small business and universal health care means nothing to me. My company already pays 100% of the cost of health care. We have been for 2 yrs, we have been waiting for the rest of the country to catch up.

Universal health care to me as a CEO may mean lower premiums but that may take some time to reach me. It may mean better coverage and that may also take some time. But most importantly UHC means that new workers will be held to strict health guidelines that are a benefit to them vs being a burden.

Sick days take as much away from a small business as loosing a "large client" or "profitable customer." currently all our employees exercise a minimum of 2 days a week for a minimum of 2 hrs at a time. As CEO I am required to exercise 4-5 days a week and a minimum of 2.5 to 4hrs, I have to set the example.

If we(as a company) are going to pay 100% of your health care then we rather u not have to use it for something you can prevent. Accidents happen, that's why you have health coverage. Be productive enjoy life and "work to live" not the other way around.

So Senate people, hurry up and catch up to what we have been doing for 2 yrs. Oh and the rest of the world has been doing for a while already. Pass legislation that provides every American, not just the 96% of Americans, with health coverage. We small guys have already been doing it.

You can reach me at

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone.

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