Monday, December 14, 2009

Carbon credits is the grease for these cogs.

I am asked all the time "What are Carbon Credits" and why are they important?

As a producer of carbon credits our business depends on the demand of VER credits. VER credits simply mean Verified carbon credits. These VER's come in all shapes and sizes. From wind farms the size of a small town to bio fuel plants that convert organic matter into usable sustainable fuels and our favorite Carbon Offset Projects! COP's are very simple in design but very difficult in application. A typical COP would be a reforestation project, where an activist group or say a govt. would set aside a swatch of land to prevent development and then replant trees in areas farmed or cut down by forrestation. These programs play a key role but are limited by the space which they occupy. Our COP program is actually a more effecient way of transporting people from one place to another using the best means of transport for the task at hand. A large percentage of people commute to work less than 40 miles roundtrip. That is why the standard for hybrid or electric cars is 40 miles on a charge, cutting it close if you ask me. And a lot of non commuting driving is done doing errands. A large percentage of non commuting driving is done running errands less than 2 miles from home or work.

So what does this mean for our COP? It means that if you can provide a small enough vehicle (motorized) make it accessable, and free. Then you can effectively adjust behavior that will lead to significant reductions in carbon emmissions.

Stay tuned for more details on how Grow Verde's application process is going. And how you can Apply to become a beta tester of the service in the coming months!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone comments or questions please email:

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